Why learn English?
There are various reasons why children, young people and adults want to learn English as a second language. Here are some of them:
- English is the second most widely spoken language in the world today; it is the international language of business, education, diplomacy, science, banking, computing, aviation, tourism etc.
- The Internet was developed in an English speaking country therefore most of the digital information stored is in English;
- English is the language mainly used on the Internet as a means of communication;
- good English communication skills are required if you pursue a career in a multinational company or intend to find a job overseas;
- studying abroad involves medium to good level of competence in both written and spoken English;
- students studying English in high school must take oral and written examination, graded on the CEFR scale, from A1 to B2
Whatever your reason may be, improving your knowledge of English language will be to your advantage.
This site provides a positive environment for students and by completing the language skills you acquire in a formal environment (at school) with independent work using the resources available online you will soon be proficient in both written and spoken English.
Teachers can find helpful resources such as lesson plans, worksheets, games, tests and teaching tips.
The site provides links to other websites on topics related to teaching English as a second language.
Course list
- Baccalaureate
- Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)
- English Language Olympiad
- Future Forms
- Listening
- Modal Verbs
- Past Continuous Tense
- Past Perfect Continuous
- Past Perfect Simple
- Past Simple Tense
- Present Continuous Tense
- Present Perfect Continuous
- Present Perfect Simple
- Present Simple Tense
- Reported Speech
- The Adjective
- The Adverb
- The Article
- The Conditional Sentence
- The Conjunction
- The Gerund
- The Infinitive
- The Noun
- The Numeral
- The Participle
- The Passive Voice
- The Preposition
- The Pronoun
- The Subjunctive
- Use of English
- Word Formation
- Writing